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California Contractor License Bond

California Contractor License Bond can be issued online 24/7. Apply, Pay and Print your California License Bond on the go 24/7.

Rates for a $25,000 Contract License bond start from $128/year and is all based on your credit history. Apply Now online for a quick quote comparison.

Enter your license or application fee number below for an instant quote and possibly the best price on a $25,000 California state Contractor’s License Bond. You’ll immediately receive a confirmation email containing a copy of the bond, application, and Contractors License Bond (CLB) verification card.

Simultaneously, your bond will be electronically filed with the California Contractors State License Board. Thank you for your business!

License/Application Fee No.
Referral Code
Q:Why do I need a bond filed with the state of California?
A:It’s the law. Contractors must be licensed with the state of California and have a surety bond or cash deposit equal to $25,000 with the California State Contractors License Board (CSLB). Surety bonds are a good option since they don’t tie up capital.
Q:When do I need to apply for a contractors license bond?
A:It is recommended that you get a Contractor’s License Bond when you file your application with the Contractors State License Board or when your bond is up for renewal. With, your application fee number or license number is all you need to get started. The site pulls your information directly from the CSLB. This helps ensure that your bond application is accurate and consistent throughout the process.

Q:Will you file my bond for me?
A:Yes. Your bond is electronically filed with the California State Contractors License Board.
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Q:Can I track my purchase?
A:When you purchase a bond on this site, you will receive a confirmation email containing both a copy of the bond to be filed with the CSLB and a copy of your Contractors License Bond verification card. Within a few weeks, you’ll receive a Contractor License Bond verification card in the mail. You can confirm that your bond posted with the state on the California CSLB website: . It usually takes a couple of business days for this to appear. The bond filing is accepted on the day it’s effective.

Q:When does my bond become effective?
A:You can choose the effective date or opt for the default date, which is the current date. The California State License Board will post the bond according to the designated effective date. You can verify that your bond has posted at